5 Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Wildfire Insurance Claim in Colorado

Filing a wildfire insurance claim in Colorado is a critical step in recovering from the devastating effects of these natural disasters. However, navigating the claims process can be complex, and making mistakes could potentially delay or even jeopardize your claim. That’s the last thing you want when facing the long road to recovery after a disaster like this. 

Read on to learn about common mistakes to avoid when filing a wildfire insurance claim in Colorado.

Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Filing a Wildfire Insurance Claim

  • Mistake #1: Waiting Too Long to File – Insurance companies find all kinds of reasons to delay or deny your claim. Don’t give them an easy one by waiting too long to file your wildfire insurance claim. Insurance policies often have strict deadlines for reporting damages, and failing to act promptly can result in denial or delays in processing your claim. Avoid this mistake by initiating the claims process as soon as it’s safe to do so after the wildfire.
  • Mistake #2: Not Understanding Your Policy – Failure to thoroughly review your insurance policy before filing a claim can lead to misunderstandings about coverage limits, exclusions, and deductible amounts. Take the time to review your policy carefully and pay close attention to what is covered and what is not. Exclusions can often be the culprit of denied claims, so you want to be sure you understand your policy before submitting a claim.
  • Mistake #3: Underestimating Your Losses – It’s essential to accurately assess the value of your losses when filing a wildfire insurance claim. Otherwise, you might be left with inadequate compensation and stuck paying out-of-pocket for the difference. This is why maintaining a home inventory is imperative for all property owners relying on memory is a poor substitute for written documentation. When filing a wildfire claim, review your home inventory and take note of all damaged or destroyed property, including structures, personal belongings, and landscaping. Provide detailed documentation to support your claim.
  • Mistake #4: Failing to Document Property Damage Before Discarding It – After a wildfire, it’s tempting to begin cleanup and restoration efforts immediately. However, discarding damaged property without documenting it first can hinder your ability to file a successful insurance claim. Before throwing out any damaged items or debris, take photographs and videos of everything. Having a detailed inventory of the damage will be invaluable when filing your claim.
  • Mistake #5: Failing to Mitigate Further Damage – Insurance policies typically require policyholders to take reasonable steps to mitigate further damage after a covered loss. Failing to do so could result in a reduction of your claim payout or even denial of coverage. After documenting all damage with photos and videos (see Mistake #4 above), take appropriate measures to prevent additional damage from occurring, such as covering broken windows, tarping damaged roofs, and drying out water-damaged areas.

Contact Us at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie for Help

Filing a wildfire insurance claim in Colorado requires careful attention to detail and adherence to the terms of your policy. Never hesitate to ask questions or seek help from experienced professionals. That’s why we’re here. Our team at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie has more than 50 years of combined legal expertise. We will help ensure you receive the relief you deserve for your wildfire insurance claim in the greater Denver area and throughout Colorado. Contact our office today to learn how we can help you.