Navigating Hail Damage Claims in Colorado

Here in Colorado, we experience more hail storms than almost every other place in the country. It’s a force of nature we can try to run from, but we simply cannot hide. Our homes, cars, and other property will take a beating, and all we can do to protect ourselves is maintain our homes and ensure we have adequate insurance coverage. But sometimes even that is not enough to recover from a damaging event. 

Insurance companies may try to deny or underpay your hail damage claim and leave you feeling frustrated and at a loss for where to turn next. Read on to learn more about navigating the insurance claim process and how partnering with an insurance law attorney can help ease the burden.

Specifically, we’ll discuss:

  • Reasons to hire an attorney for hail damage claims
  • Benefits of hiring an attorney for hail damage claims 
  • What to do next if your hail damage claim was denied or underpaid

If you have questions or need immediate support for your hail damage insurance claim, contact our team of experienced insurance law attorneys at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie today. One of our Denver claims advisors is standing by to help you get started. 

Do You Really Need an Attorney for a Hail Damage Claim in Colorado?

It’s a question we routinely hear – is it really necessary to hire an attorney for a hail damage claim? The answer is yes, you want to consider it if you want to ensure you recover your full rightful claim settlement amount and sidestep the possibility of your insurance company trying to deny, delay, or underpay your claim – all of which are very real and far too common practices by insurance companies in Colorado.

While filing a hail damage claim should be a straightforward process, unfortunately, it’s not. Things can get complicated in a hurry, and even if you have your ducks in a row, insurance companies are prone to dragging their feet and finding all kinds of reasons to reject your claim. If you need an advocate or simply help navigating the complex insurance claim process, an attorney can step in to take the lead. Still unsure if you need an attorney? Here are some specific instances when you might want an advocate on your side.

Reasons to Hire an Attorney for Your Hail Damage Claim

●      Your claim is large or complex – If your property has suffered extensive damage, an attorney can help ensure all aspects of the damage are accounted for and appropriately compensated. Likewise, for high-value claims, insurance companies may be more stringent in their evaluations. An attorney can advocate on your behalf to ensure you receive the full amount you’re entitled to under your policy.


●      Your claim was denied or underpaid – If your insurance company denies your claim or offers a settlement that is significantly lower than the repair estimates you’ve received, an attorney can help you with the appeals process and negotiate on your behalf to secure a fair settlement.

●      You have concerns about your policy language and coverage – Insurance policies are notorious for containing complex and ambiguous language, but it’s imperative that you understand your policy terms. An attorney can help interpret the terms and conditions of your policy so you fully understand your coverage and rights.


●      You believe your insurance company is acting in bad faith – Colorado law requires insurance companies to make reasonable settlement offers based on the policy coverage and damages received to the property. If your Colorado property insurance provider is unreasonably denying a claim or delaying payment of a valid claim, they may be acting in bad faith. This is illegal in Colorado. 

Repairing hail-damaged property costs Colorado homeowners and insurance companies billions of dollars, so it’s not surprising that some insurance companies are trying to sneak through loopholes and find other ways to limit payouts to their insured. When you have an insurance attorney on your side, the possibility of having anything like this happen is eliminated – and so is the stress of having to deal with it yourself. 

Need even more reasons to hire an attorney if you sustain hail damage to your Colorado home? Here are some.

Benefits of Hiring an Attorney for Hail Damage

  • Maximized compensation from the claim – An attorney can help ensure you receive the maximum compensation you’re entitled to for your hail damage. What’s more, if there are disputes or delays, an attorney can represent you in court or serve as an umpire if you need to invoke the appraisal clause.
  • Access to insurance law expertise – Attorneys specializing in Colorado insurance law have the expertise and experience to navigate the complexities of insurance law and claims processes. Their library of knowledge means you don’t have to worry about getting the run-around from your insurance company.
  • Reduced stress – The burden and associated stress and anxiety that come with filing a hail damage is real. Say nothing of how time-consuming the process can be. When you partner with an attorney, they relieve you of this stress so you can focus on other priorities, like building back up after you sustain storm damage.

Partnering with an insurance law attorney on your hail damage claim can reduce stress and ensure you receive the rightful claim payout amount you are legally entitled to. Even if you don’t hire an attorney right away, you still can connect with one if your hail damage claim is denied or underpaid.

If you believe the hail damage settlement offered by your insurance company for your property damage is insufficient, here are the steps you can take to dispute an underpaid or denied property insurance claim in Denver.

Steps to Take if Your Hail Damaged Claim Was Underpaid

Hail damage claims may be denied or underpaid for several reasons, including insufficient documentation or policy exclusions like cosmetic damage or matching exclusions. If this happens to you, here are some steps you should take to dispute and overcome an underpaid claim to your Colorado property.  

  • Review current documentation – As you pursue an appeal on an underpaid claim, you first want to review all existing documentation from your insurance provider. What is included and excluded from the insurance settlement? Do you see any other discrepancies? 
  • Obtain a competing estimate – Next, contact a professional who can offer a second opinion to support your claim. Gathering a competing estimate is another way to support your case with more documentation. The estimate could be from a public adjuster, general contractor, roofer, restoration specialist, mold remediator, environmental hygienist, engineer or other professional related to your damage. Because there are so many specialists to choose from, it can often be overwhelming to select the right one to review your damage. Hiring an attorney to quarterback the whole operation and vet the professionals is an easy way to ease this burden for homeowners. 
  • Share the estimate with your insurance company – Give the estimate to your insurance provider and offer them the opportunity to compare the estimate with their settlement. Point out discrepancies and note the qualifications of the professional who completed the estimate. After reviewing, the insurance company should answer for their shortcomings. If they don’t, another option for property owners is to invoke the appraisal clause. During the appraisal process, an impartial party will work to settle the claim with your insurer out of court. The appraisal clause is best suited for situations when you and your insurer disagree on the value of the damaged property or the amount of loss.

Contact Us at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie Law Firm to Discuss Your Options

At Kandell, Kandell & Petrie, we have more than 50 years of combined legal expertise in insurance law. We specialize in property insurance disputes in Colorado, Florida and Louisiana and are here to ensure you receive the relief you deserve for your hail damage insurance claim. If you need an advocate or simply help navigating the complex insurance claim process, turn to our team of legal experts today. Call us at 720-277-9987 to speak to one of our Denver claims advisors.