
Hail Damage in Colorado: Your Guide to Navigating Insurance Claims

Hailstorms are a frequent and destructive weather event in Colorado and often cause significant damage to homes, vehicles and other property. Navigating the insurance claims process after such an event can also be daunting. This guide aims to help Colorado homeowners like you understand the insurance claim process and advise you on what to be

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Water Damage Prevention Tips for New Orleans Residents

New Orleans, with its unique geography and frequent storms, means our homes here are particularly susceptible to water damage. Protecting our properties and belongings from flooding, storm surge and other water-related issues is a critical part of living in this city.  While water damage can be devastating, taking proactive steps can significantly reduce the risk of sustaining

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Tips for Protecting Your Property During Colorado’s Hail Season

Hail season in Colorado runs from mid-April through mid-September. While many storms produce just small pebbles, still others can drop golf ball and baseball-size hail (in Denver, the largest stone to date was a whopping 5.25 inches in diameter) Remaining vigilant with maintenance can help minimize any damage you may sustain during one of the many

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Don’t Make These Mistakes When Filing a Water Damage Insurance Claim in Louisiana

Water damage can strike unexpectedly and wreak havoc on your home. Even an inch of standing water can lead to thousands of dollars in repairs. In Louisiana, where heavy rains and strong storms are common, homeowners often find themselves needing to file insurance claims for water damage; however, the process is complex. What’s more, making

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Water Damage Insurance Claim in Florida

Filing a water damage insurance claim in Florida is key to recovering and rebuilding after a devastating event like a flood or hurricane, but to say the process is straightforward would be the understatement of the year. Some insurance companies intentionally make the filing process complicated, and if you make mistakes, it could potentially delay

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Do You Need Flood Insurance to Protect Against Storm Surge in Louisiana?

Living in Louisiana means being well-acquainted with the risks posed by hurricanes and severe storms. Among these hazards are rising waters and storm surge. Unfortunately, as New Orleanians know all too well, storm surge is one of the most destructive natural forces with waters traveling several miles inland in the aftermath of a storm. Despite

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How to Prepare for Hurricane Season: Water Damage Prevention Tips for Floridians

Living in Florida, we’re no strangers to strong storms, high winds, and yes, water. Whether it’s due to heavy rains or storm surge following a hurricane, water damage can destroy your property. Doing everything you can to prevent water damage after a hurricane is crucial to protecting your home and belongings – and having an adequate

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Common Hail Damage Exclusions Colorado Homeowners Need to Look Out For

Repairing hail-damaged property costs Colorado homeowners and insurance companies billions of dollars. With costs this steep, it’s not surprising that some insurance companies are trying to sneak through loopholes and find other ways to limit payouts to their insured.  One way some companies are trying to limit coverage and reduce claim payouts is through policy

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