Do You Really Need an Attorney for a Hail Damage Claim in Colorado?

Yes, yes may if you want to recover your rightful claim settlement amount and sidestep the possibility of your insurance company trying to deny, delay, or underpay your claim – all of which are very real and happens too commonly with insurance companies in Colorado.

While filing a hail damage claim in Colorado should be a straightforward process, unfortunately, it’s not. Things can get complicated in a hurry, and even if you have your ducks in a row, insurance companies are prone to dragging their feet and finding all kinds of reasons to reject your claim. 

If you need an advocate or simply help navigating the complex insurance claim process, an attorney can step in to take the lead. Still unsure if you need an attorney? Here are some specific instances when you might want an advocate on your side.

Reasons to Hire an Attorney for Your Hail Damage Claim

●      Your claim is large or complex – If your property has suffered extensive damage, an attorney can help ensure all aspects of the damage are accounted for and appropriately compensated. Likewise, for high-value claims, insurance companies may be more stringent in their evaluations. An attorney can advocate on your behalf to ensure you receive the full amount you’re entitled to under your policy.

●      Your claim was denied or underpaid – If your insurance company denies your claim or offers a settlement that is significantly lower than the repair estimates you’ve received, an attorney can help you with the appeals process and negotiate on your behalf to secure a fair settlement.

●      You have concerns about your policy language and coverage – Insurance policies are notorious for containing complex and ambiguous language, but it’s imperative that you understand your policy terms. An attorney can help interpret the terms and conditions of your policy so you fully understand your coverage and rights.

●      You believe your insurance company is acting in bad faith – Colorado law requires insurance companies to make reasonable settlement offers based on the policy coverage and damages received to the property. If your Colorado property insurance provider is unreasonably denying a claim or delaying payment of a valid claim, they may be acting in bad faith. This is illegal in Colorado. 

Contact Us at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie Law Firm 

At Kandell, Kandell & Petrie, we have more than 50 years of combined legal expertise in insurance law. We specialize in property insurance disputes in Colorado, Florida and Louisiana and are here to ensure you receive the relief you deserve for your hail damage insurance claim. If you need an advocate or simply help navigating the complex insurance claim process, turn to our team of legal experts today. Call us at 720-277-9987 to speak to one of our Denver claims advisors.