Essential Items to Stock in Your Hurricane Go-Bag

Preparation is key to mitigating disaster. As residents of Louisiana know all too well, hurricane season can bring the potential for powerful storms and the need for swift evacuations. Having a well-stocked hurricane go-bag is crucial to ensuring your and your family’s safety in the event of a disaster. 

In this blog, we’ll guide you through the must-have items to stock in your hurricane go-bag so you’re not scrambling to grab things on your way out the door after an evacuation order.

What to Pack in Your Hurricane Go-Bag 

As the name suggests, go-bags should be ready to grab and go in case you need to quickly evacuate your home, but they can also serve as a survival bag if you are home and without power or water for an extended period. In future years, you can take advantage of the state’s hurricane preparedness sales tax holiday on the last Saturday and Sunday of each May. Tax-free supplies include flashlights, radios, tarps, batteries, and generators. 

Here’s a list of items to include in your hurricane go-bag (and don’t forget to consider your pet’s needs as you pack your bag):

Important Documents and Communication Needs
  • Identification – Driver’s licenses, passports, and other forms of ID for all family members.
  • Insurance information – Copies of home, auto, and health insurance policies.
  • Medical information – Carry a list of allergies, medications, and any important medical conditions. Ensure that your pets’ vaccinations are up to date and keep a list of hotel chains that cater to pet owners in case your home is uninhabitable upon return. 
  • Proof of address – Copies of utility bills or other documents showing your address.
  • Cash – Including small bills and coins as ATMs may not be available.
  • Cell phones – Fully charged with portable chargers and extra batteries.
  • Emergency contact list – Written down in case your phone dies.
  • Whistle or signal device – To attract attention if needed.
  • Local maps – In case GPS is unavailable.
  • Important keys – House, car, and safe deposit box keys.
  • Property Documentation – Photos and videos of your property (inside and out) to document the status of everything before the storm hits

Food and Water

  • Water – At least one gallon per person (and pet) per day for several days.
  • Non-perishable food – Such as granola bars, canned goods, and dry snacks.
  • Manual can opener – If you include canned food.
  • Baby formula or pet food

Clothing and Personal Items

  • Change of clothes
  • Sturdy shoes – Closed-toe shoes that are comfortable for walking.
  • Rain Gear
  • Blanket or sleeping bag
  • Personal hygiene items – Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and feminine hygiene products.
  • Prescription medications – at least a week’s supply.
  • Glasses or contacts

Tools and Supplies

  • Flashlight – With extra batteries or a hand-cranked flashlight.
  • First aid kit – Including bandages, antiseptic wipes, and over-the-counter medications.
  • Multi-tool or knife – For basic repairs or tasks.
  • Duct tape
  • Plastic bags – For trash, wet clothes, or other uses.

In addition to these items, you may choose to pack comfort items, books, games, a notepad and pen, and other items based on your family’s specific needs. Review the contents of your go-bag regularly to make sure items are up-to-date and nothing is missing.Preparing a hurricane go-bag is one way you can help protect your family during severe storm season. If you do experience property damage from a hurricane or any other disaster, get in touch with us at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie. A hurricane can destroy your home in an instant. Let us help ensure you receive the financial relief you deserve for your insurance claim in Louisiana.