How Florida Insurance Law Attorneys and Public Adjusters Work Together on Wind Damage Claims

Strong winds can rip off roofs with ease, but putting the pieces back together is a much longer and more complex process. In a state like Florida, dealing with a wind damage claim takes effort, persistence, and often requires specialized knowledge and expertise. Both insurance law attorneys and public adjusters play critical roles in helping policyholders navigate the claims process. Here are a few examples of how these two professionals work together to ensure a fair and favorable outcome for policyholders. 

Understanding the Difference Between Public Adjusters and Attorneys

Before explaining how they work together, it’s helpful to first understand how the roles of public adjusters and attorneys differ.

Public adjusters focus on handling the claims process. They gather documentation, submit the claim, and handle any necessary negotiations with the insurance company. They are experts in the claims process. Attorneys, on the other hand, are experts in law. They step in to handle legal aspects of the claims process, including litigation, disputes, and bad faith claims.

In many wind damage claims in Florida, public adjusters and attorneys work together to ensure a fair outcome for policyholders. Here’s how:

  • Collaborate on the claim handling – Homeowners may choose to hire a public adjuster and an attorney right from the outset, especially if they have a particularly complex or high-value claim. After a wind damaging event, public adjusters get to work assessing and documenting the damage in preparation for submitting the claim. At the same time, the attorney reviews the insurance policy to understand terms, coverage, and ensure all documentation is thorough and complies with the law.
  • Negotiate from a position of strength – As experts in damage assessment and claim valuation, the public adjuster will typically lead the negotiation with the insurance company, but if the insurance company disputes the claim or offers an inadequate settlement, an attorney can step in to provide legal backing and support the negotiation with legal arguments.
  • Resolve disputes efficiently – If negotiations stall, the claim is denied, or other disputes arise, the public adjuster can hand over the case to an attorney for legal action while still standing by to offer support by way of additional documentation, expert testimony, and other professional support.

Engaging public adjusters and attorneys can be beneficial to homeowners who have experienced wind damage to their Florida property. Together, they offer comprehensive expertise in the insurance claims process and enhanced negotiation power. Moreover, their collaboration often leads to more efficient claim resolution. 

If you have wind damage to your South Florida home or business, give us a call at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie Law Firm to speak with one of our Miami claims advisors and discuss how a public adjuster and an attorney can work together to ensure a successful outcome for your insurance claim.