

Hurricane Season is Here: Are You Ready? 

If there’s one thing Floridians have learned over the years it’s that we can’t get complacent with storm preparation. The threat of severe storms is
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How Do I Prove Bad Faith in Florida?

Homeowners and their insurance companies are bound to each other by contractual commitments. Both you as the policyholder and your insurance provider must fulfill certain
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How Long Does an Insurance Company Have to Settle a Hurricane Claim in Florida?

In Florida, insurance companies are required to settle hurricane claims promptly and fairly. They must respond to your claim within 14 days, and, to avoid
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What to Do if Your Hurricane Claim Was Denied in Louisiana

No matter how big or small the claim, hurricane damage to your property can be a major setback financially and emotionally. Not only are you
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What is the Bad Faith Law in Louisiana?

When an insurance company fails to fulfill its obligations to the policyholder in a fair and reasonable manner, it may mean it is acting in
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What is the Statute of Limitations on Property Insurance Claims in Louisiana?

In Louisiana, the statute of limitations on property damage claims, including those related to homeowners insurance, is typically one year from the date of the
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Should You Sue Your Insurance Company for Your Claim Denial in Colorado?

Resolving a denied or underpaid insurance claim in Colorado may require more effort than you hoped it would, but at the end of the day,
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What to Consider Before Invoking the Appraisal Clause in Colorado

Resolving insurance claim disputes can be a lengthy process, but there are legal protections in place to help ensure fairness. Even if the road feels
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What is an Appraisal Clause in Your Insurance Policy?

You have likely heard the term “appraisal” used when talking about a home or personal property’s value. For example, real estate is typically appraised when
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