Plumbing Problems? Pay Attention to Your House!

A small leak here or a little drip there may not seem like a big deal, especially in the grand scheme of all your other home ownership responsibilities, but it’s these seemingly innocent plumbing problems that can lead to major property damage and unwanted frustration if left unattended.

Monitor Your Maintenance List

As a Colorado property owner, you likely have an ongoing list of maintenance to-dos. We know as well as the next person how easy it can be to let some of these less urgent tasks slide. The problem is if they slide too long, it could spell trouble for your home and cause significant headaches for you when you go to file your water damage claim. 


Because one of the most common exclusions in homeowner’s insurance policies is language that disavows coverage for long-term, constant or repeated leakage or seepage of water. That means an ongoing pipe leak or one that gradually develops due to poor maintenance and upkeep could mean your plumbing damage claim will be denied by your insurance company.

Here in Colorado, most insurance companies have provisions that are slightly different but similarly worded – if you have a pipe leaking and it goes on for a long time, it won’t be covered.

Pay Attention to Your House

Keeping close tabs on things like your water bill can be a good indicator of plumbing problems. So, too, is general awareness of your home. Consider preventive maintenance a priority so if you do notice water, you can take action right away. If it’s significant enough to cause damage to your home, don’t wait to report it to your insurance company. 

Water and plumbing damage claims can be frustrating for homeowners because there are many policy exclusions. If you have questions about your water damage insurance claim or believe you’ve been treated unfairly by your insurance company, don’t hesitate to contact professionals like our experienced legal team at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie. We are here to help you get relief if your insurance company tries to deny or underpay you for your plumbing damage claim. Contact us today to speak to one of our Denver claims advisors to discuss your questions and concerns.