Preparing Your Home for Wildfire Season in Colorado

Wildfire season in Colorado has historically spanned just the summer months, but today, we’re experiencing devastating fires year-round. Even during the winter months, Colorado residents are at an increased risk for wildfires. While you won’t be able to stop a raging fire that’s headed your way, there are steps you can take to prepare your home and family for such a disaster. 

Wildfire Preparation Tips for Colorado Homeowners

  • Create (or update) a home inventory – If you own property in Colorado, you need to maintain an updated home inventory. A home inventory is a list of your personal possessions along with their corresponding financial value. Photos and videos should also be included in your inventory, as should receipts and other documentation.  

Home inventories are important for many reasons, but when it comes to the insurance claims process, having a detailed home inventory can greatly expedite your claim and offer the proof of loss you need when filing a wildfire claim. Because your inventory serves as concrete evidence of what you own, there are generally fewer disputes when it comes to compensation questions.

  • Maintain your home and yard – The Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control recommends homeowners take several steps to prepare for wildfire season. This includes raking and removing pine needles and dry leaves 5 feet from the home, removing leaves and needles from roofs and gutters, sweeping porches and decks, covering any exposed eave or attic vents with ⅛-inch metal mesh screening, and ensuring home address signs are clearly visible from the street, among taking other precautionary measures.

If you live in a wooded area, the goal is to remove ladder fuels. Cut back brush and trim trees so that all branches are 10 feet above the ground. Ideally thin trees so that there is 20-30 feet between them. 

  • Review your insurance policy – Now is the time to review your insurance policy so you’re aware of coverage levels and any possible exclusions to your policy. 
  • Prepare for evacuation – Create an evacuation plan and prepare a “go bag.” Ensure you have essential items such as medications, important documents, extra clothes, food, water and pet supplies in an easy-to-grab bag in case of evacuation. Winds change quickly and you have to be ready to go at a moment’s notice if there is a fire in the area. 
  • Stay informed – Monitor fire conditions and stay informed of wildfire conditions in your area. Also consider signing up for emergency alerts to receive timely updates about wildfire threats and evacuation orders.

Preparing your home for wildfire season in Colorado is essential for protecting your property and ensuring the safety of your family. Bear in mind that wildfire preparedness is an ongoing process, and regular maintenance and vigilance are key to keeping your home safe during wildfire season.

Contact Us at KK&P Law Firm if You Have Questions About Wildfire Insurance Claims

Wildfire damage to your home is devastating. If you experience a loss due to wildfires in Colorado, contact our team at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie to speak to one of our Denver-area claims advisors. We will help guide you through the claims process and ensure you receive the relief you deserve for your insurance claim.