What Kind of Insurance Policy Protects Against Storm Surge?

If only homeowners insurance was enough to protect your property in Florida… Unfortunately, it’s not. Here in South Florida and other coastal regions, it’s often the storm’s aftermath that causes the most destruction to homes. Rising waters can occur miles inland from the coast, and the resulting storm surge can lead to irreparable damage to our homes and belongings. 

To protect against flooding – and yes, storm surge is a type of flooding – homeowners need to have the right insurance policy in place. Here’s what you need to know to protect your property from rising waters. 

Why You Need Flood Insurance for Storm Surge

Storm surge occurs when a hurricane or tropical storm pushes ocean water onto the shore where it then leads to rapid and extensive flooding. Because storm surge is classified as flooding, homeowners need a separate flood insurance policy to protect their properties. Traditional homeowners insurance policies won’t cover it.

Florida’s lowland terrain makes it especially susceptible to flooding. Even if you live nowhere near a body of water, heavy rains or storm surge can put your property in harm’s way. To identify your risk for flooding, you can look at FEMA’s flood maps, but keep in mind that even low-risk areas experience flooding in Florida.

What Types of Flood Insurance Policies Can You Get?

There are two main policy options for flood insurance – you can purchase a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policy, which is managed by FEMA, or you can purchase private flood insurance. 

On the whole, private flood insurance policies typically offer more comprehensive coverage for consumers, including higher coverage limits compared to NFIP policies. They may also cover additional living expenses if you need to temporarily relocate. Comparatively, NFIP policies have many limitations, which can prove unfavorable to consumers. 

Before choosing a policy, carefully consider your options and speak with an insurance broker who can help you decipher the details or call us with questions about insurance law in Florida. Keep in mind also that some policies, including NFIP policies, typically have a 30-day waiting period from the date of purchase before coverage takes effect and no policies are written when there is a named storm in the Atlantic basin. Private insurers may offer shorter waiting periods.

Contact Our Law Firm at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie with Questions 

Determining the right insurance coverage for your home is no easy feat, but if you live in a flood-prone zone (and even if you don’t), you may need flood insurance to protect against storm surge. Call us at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie to speak to one of our claims advisors in Miami to learn more about the best ways to protect your property and to get help with the insurance claims process if you do experience damage. 

Our legal team has been helping homeowners with their hurricane and flooding claims since 2004. Over the years, we’ve worked with clients affected by hurricanes Charley, Ivan, Frances, Jeanne, Dennis, Wilma, Irma, Michael, Matthew, Sally, Ian, and Idalia. If you have questions about a property or flood insurance claim in Florida, contact us today for answers.