What to Do Next if Your Hail Damage Claim Was Denied or Underpaid

After sustaining hail damage to your home, you want to be able to start the recovery process as soon as possible. That means settling the insurance claim process with your provider promptly so you can begin making roof repairs and fixing damage to other parts of your property. Ideally, this whole process goes smoothly for you and you receive your full payout in a timely manner. But if it doesn’t, and you experience a denied or underpaid claim, know that you still have options and you should not sit back and accept at face value what your insurance company has told you.

If you believe the hail damage settlement offered by your insurance company for your property damage is insufficient, here are the steps you can take to dispute an underpaid or denied property insurance claim in Colorado.

Steps to Take if Your Hail Damaged Claim Was Underpaid

Hail damage claims may be denied or underpaid for several reasons, including insufficient documentation or policy exclusions like cosmetic damage or matching exclusions. If this happens to you, here are some steps you should take to dispute and overcome an underpaid claim to your Colorado property.  

  • Review current documentation – As you pursue an appeal on an underpaid claim, you first want to review all existing documentation from your insurance provider. What is included and excluded from the insurance settlement? Do you see any other discrepancies? 
  • Obtain a competing estimate – Next, contact a professional who can offer a second opinion to support your claim. Gathering a competing estimate is another way to support your case with more documentation. The estimate could be from a public adjuster, general contractor, roofer, restoration specialist, mold remediator, environmental hygienist, engineer or other professional related to your damage. Because there are so many specialists to choose from, it can often be overwhelming to select the right one to review your damage. Hiring an attorney to quarterback the whole operation and vet the professionals is an easy way to ease this burden for homeowners. 
  • Share the estimate with your insurance company – Give the estimate to your insurance provider and offer them the opportunity to compare the estimate with their settlement. Point out discrepancies and note the qualifications of the professional who completed the estimate. After reviewing, the insurance company should answer for their shortcomings. If they don’t, another option for property owners is to invoke the appraisal clause. During the appraisal process, an impartial party will work to settle the claim with your insurer out of court. The appraisal clause is best suited for situations when you and your insurer disagree on the value of the damaged property or the amount of loss.
Contact Us at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie Law Firm to Discuss Your Options

Underpaid insurance claims are relatively common, but in Colorado, you have the right to appeal an underpaid claim. To learn more about your options and what steps to take, consult a legal professional who specializes in insurance claims. Our team at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie has more than 50 years of combined legal expertise in insurance law. We specialize in property insurance disputes in Colorado, Florida and Louisiana and are here to ensure you receive the relief you deserve for your hail damage insurance claim. Reach out to one of our Denver claims advisors to discuss your questions and concerns.