Why You Need to Update Your Home Inventory Today

Updating a home inventory is one of those to-dos that can easily slip to the “I’ll do that later” pile, but unfortunately, “later” may be too late if a strong storm rips through Florida or another devastating event damages your home. Keeping an updated home inventory is a smart and simple way to protect your property and ensure you get a full recovery from your insurance company after a disaster or theft.  

What is a Home Inventory?

A home inventory is not complicated and it doesn’t have to be formatted beautifully. A simple spreadsheet will do. All you need is a way to list your personal possessions along with their corresponding financial value. Photos and videos should also be included in your inventory, as should saving receipts and other documentation.  

Home inventories are important for many reasons, but when it comes to the insurance claims process, having a detailed home inventory can greatly expedite things and offer the proof of loss you need when filing a claim. Because your inventory serves as concrete evidence of what you owned, there are generally fewer disputes when it comes to compensation questions.

Where to Start When Creating Your Home Inventory

Creating a home inventory can be overwhelming, so it helps to be methodical about the process. Many people find it easiest to go from room to room taking pictures and documenting specific items of value. Don’t forget outdoor items as well. It’s also advisable to include model and serial numbers for your records.

If a spreadsheet isn’t working for you, there are several home inventory apps you could consider trying, including one from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Consider updating your home inventory annually or whenever you make a new purchase or home improvement. Just like other important documents, save your inventory in the cloud or offsite away from your home. 

Contact Us at KK&P Law with Questions

A home inventory is not just a nice-to-have — it’s a must-have for every homeowner, especially those of us at risk of hurricane damage. It provides peace of mind, simplifies insurance claims and ensures accurate valuation of your belongings. 

To learn more about the insurance claims process in Florida, contact our team at Kandell, Kandell & Petrie. We have more than 50 years of combined legal expertise and are here to ensure you receive the relief you deserve for your insurance claim in Miami and throughout the state of Florida.